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Hillary Clinton
26 May 2022 11:00 pm
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243 posts
Skans » 02 May 2022, 5:56 am » wrote: I'm a master at making right choices when presented with multiples of something similar to choose from.
You struck me right off as the type most comfortable with multiple choice.

I'm betting that essays aren't your strong suit - all that justifying of theses and maintaining consistency. Don't feel bad, team mate - it's hard on most rank and file republican estsablishment koolaid drinkers. It gets even harder when my side is hitting you with the exact same koolaid. Good thing you're not one of those who are bothered by cognitive dissonance - you lucky dog. 

Believe me, bringing establishment republicans into the left-borg is no picnic on my side of the game - even with the media in our pockets.

Just know that you are not alone. BIll and I are with you. Image
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